Behavior  management system  

For school and home.


Privileges are granted or taken away based on the level achieved according to a color-coded day system

System is comprised of four color-coded levels measured everyday based on:

-         Behavior  at school

-         Behavior on the way home

-         Behavior at home

-         ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Text Box: 	RED	          Teachers mark in agenda for the school day: 0.0 –3.0

Problems in the class or during recess which lead to:

          Trip to the principal's office, letter from school, being

 removed from the classroom, behavioral sheet

                                                                 On the way home: rudeness, disobedience

At home: Rudeness, disobedience, talking back, telling lies, refusing to complete homework and home tasks

Privileges: - none (no comic books or toys, games, TV, computer)                                                                  

Playdates: not allowed

Treats: not allowed

Food: - Basic nutritious food

Bedtime: eight o'clock


Text Box: 	ORANGE	          Teachers mark in agenda for the school day: 4.0 –5.0


Problems in class or during recess: some disruptions during class work:
          disturbing others, talking back. Empty agenda( no written feedback

                                                                   from teacher).              

                                                               On the way home: minor problems

                                                                   At home: minor problems

Privileges: - books (no toys, games, TV, computer)

Playdates: not allowed

Treats: not allowed

Food: Basic nutritious food plus some extras

Bedtime: eight o'clock


Text Box: GREEN          Teachers mark in agenda for the school day: 6.0 –7.0

          behavior in class and recess: no problems, some reminders

          On the way home: no problems, some reminders

                                                             At home: no problems, some reminders




Privileges:  books, toys, TV 30 minutes

Playdates: allowed

Treats:  candies and cookies

Food:  favorite nutritious plus pizza and hamburgers

Bedtime: nine o’clock, night time reading




Text Box: 	SUNNY	          Teacher’s marks in agenda for the school day: 7.5 –10.0

On the way home: no problems: 6.0 –7.0


At home: no problems


Privileges: books, toys, and choice of - TV (45min), Game Cube, Computer

Playdates: allowed

Treats: candies, cookies, ice cream

Bedtime: nine o’clock, night time reading









Color transfers


1.    Transfers up can only happen one level a day. Example: If Monday mark is RED and Tuesday is GREEN or SUNNY, than Tuesday can only be marked as ORANGE. But if following Wednesday is GREEN or SUNNY too – Wednesday marked as GREEN.

2.    Transfers down: color changes immediately according to the type of behavior.


If weekdays have been marked in three different colors   Weekend color will be picked by Parents

If weekdays have been marked in two different colors – Weekend color is determined by major color

If Friday is RED or ORANGE – all Weekend is marked as RED or ORANGE